I am feeling a little shallow about what I have been posting on the blog lately. I am proud of my work, and it is fun to share it, but in a way, these pictures reflect nothing of who I am. Back in the day, I would write long and random posts such as why I want to be buried in my wedding dress; or about the medieval lovers, Heloise and Abelard; or about what women can learn about men in Jane Austen novels. Sometimes, even, when I got bold, I would talk about my faith.
I have a friend who has been encouraging me to write more from my heart, to be more thoughtful, and reflective. I am thankful for his thoughts and for being challenged in this way. I'll see what I can do...

I love letters. I really love love letters. We moved every two years when I was growing up, which meant I had my fair share of pen pals. I would argue that handwritten letters from friends are just about one of the most wonderful delights to be found on this earth.
I store letters in my heart-- letters written to me, and letters written to other people. When I stumble across letters which are eloquently written, or better yet, express some noble thought, I make note.
The above letter was written from a man in prison to his obviously beloved wife. His name was Guido de Bres, and he is known as the author of the Belgic Confession. He was imprisoned for his Protestant faith, and in 1567, was publicly hanged. He continued to exhort the crowd to be faithful to scripture and to obey their magistrates even as he was pushed off the scaffold.

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