I mentioned this a week or so back-- I've been working on a new blog. I enjoy doing this blog, but over the year and 9 months I've been writing this blog(wow! I stuck with it that long? I've never committed to anything for that long a time!), I've had a hard time pinning down what exactly it was that I wanted to write about. I think in the beginning I wrote more from heart, just about whatever thing that struck my fancy. At some point, the whole blog became more polished, and probably lost some of the charm. At another point, I made the blog a collect-all for anything I found interesting, and then later it reincarnated as a fashion blog, and lately, it seems to be a repository for everything work related.
Soooo, I have finally found a topic that I am PASSIONATE about and I've decided it should have it's own blog. That blog will focus on its own thing, and this one will continue to be as sporadic as ever.
What's the new blog about? Well, it's mostly about my struggle to love God more. To that end, I'll post things that inspire me, or things that have me thinking. I'd like to think that one day it will be a resource that I can reference to find information on a myriad of topics. I'd love it if you would check it out, and possibly add me to your reader.
It is called Waiting for Ulysses and can be accessed at http://www.waitingforulysses.blogspot.com. And don't worry, I'll keep posting here as well.

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