Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Lions and Tigers and Dinosaurs, Oh My!

Haha! I had to share this. The other day (week) when I went to the Pre-Raphaelite exhibit in D.C., I also made a pit stop at a certain Smithsonian museum.  My comrade in arms that day was a very special Chinese student whom I know from the English language school where I work.  Her one request was that we go to "the museum where Night at the Museum takes place."  I never saw that movie, but I had a hunch that it had to be the Museum of Natural History.  Mengdi didn't believe we were in the right museum until she saw the dinosaurs!

That's me being silly, but I have to admit that seeing those large skeletons is pretty awe-inducing.  I don't think I think of dinosaurs as really having existed-- at least, not until I stand next to their giant bones.  Their sheer size is unfathomable! 

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