Stockings: My Own
Shoes: Nine West '09
Last night I went out with my roommates. My flatmates, Alexandra and Anastasija (both models), were supposed to be spinning at this club in town. It was quite funny because neither of them spin, but the club promoted it as model night with DJ Alex and DJ Anastasija. When their time to go on came up, they went to the dj booth and pretended to spin, while the real dj stood next to them and did all the work. What a funny business this is!
I got to wear my little "ice-skating" dress that I picked up in a thrift store two weeks ago. I love it-- it has huge shoulder pads, which I notice are popping up everywhere in fashion right now. You can also see my new bangs that I'm sporting. I'm quite happy with this haircut!

We stayed out until 4am, so I slept in quite late. When I finally awoke, I noticed my roomie, Jeanne, getting dressed to go out, so I asked if I could tag along. We went with Koray (our booker) and Anastasija to the Asian side of Istanbul to a sort of a Turkish Bath. (How fun to go to one in Turkey!) After steaming ourselves, we had a nice lunch at the spa, and then we drove to the marina where Koray's friends took us out on a yacht to see Istanbul by sea.
We sailed around the Sea of Marmara and the along the Bosphorus Strait (which divides Europe and Asia), where we saw palaces and famous Mosques. It was quite a day! I am so charmed by this city now-- the history is amazing! I took tons of photos, and hopefully I will post some tomorrow. Until then, here is a little taste: