Wednesday, August 25, 2010

"I am half-sick of shadows," said the Lady of Shalott

The new J. Crew Catalog came in the mail today.  It looked very Anthropologie-ish to me.  That's not a bad thing, though, as I happen to love Anthropologie and find myself not usually as enamored by J. Crew.

Does the cover remind you of anything else?  Think hard...

Well, the second thing I thought when I saw it was, "Oh, the Lady Ophelia!"  Take a look at this depiction by John Everett Millais (Ophelia, 1851-1852):


Of course, I will give you full credit as well if you said, "The Lady of Shalott," or perhaps, "The Lady Elaine."


Oh, Anne of Green Gables, you are so dear to my heart!

Does it make me completely morbid to want to do my own Lady of Shalott/Elaine/Ophelia-inspired photoshoot?  (Did you see Anja's "Northern Lake Baptism" shoot on her blog?  It is sooo beautiful, you really should check it out!)

I would love to see a series of photographs based on tragic women figures in history and literature, kind of a Harold and Maude sort of a thing (i.e., death scenes).  Wouldn't that be terribly romantic?  Hmmm, now to think of some examples.  There is Cleopatra and the asp, Lady Jane Grey and the axe, Emma Bovary and the arsenic...

Who else can we think of?


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